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Glacier National Park Wallpaper

Glacier National Park Wallpaper

Glacier National Park Wallpaper pictures a remarkable area.

Glacier National Park, in Montana, encompasses over one million acres. It includes two mountain ranges, part of the Rockies, as well as more than 130 lakes. There are over 1,000 species of plants and animals in the park. Inhabitants include grizzlies, moose, mountain goats, wolverines, and Canadian lynx. There were about 150 glaciers in the region, but by 2010 only 25 remained. Sadly, it is estimated that if the present climate patterns continue, all the glaciers may disappear by 2020!

Free Glacier National Park Wallpaper to personalize your Computer Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Galaxy S5, LG G3, HTC, Windows, iPhone, and all Smartphone Backgrounds. Our most popular HD Resolutions include 1024 x 768, and 2048 x 1536. Download Glacier National Park Wallpaper from the available HD resolutions. If you can not find the exact resolution you are looking for, choose the higher wallpaper size. Your device should adjust the image to fit your screen. Enjoy and check back as new images are loaded every day!

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